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Professional Window Cleaning

Big Wave Window technician window washing

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The Dos and Don’ts of Professional Window Cleaning

You may be surprised to find that window cleaning is a lot more than just wetting down a rag and wiping the glass. From safety and security precautions to tips for picking up smudges, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about professional window cleaning. The dos and don’ts of professional window cleaning will make sure your windows sparkle like new!

Do prepare for the worst:

Before you head out on your professional window cleaning adventure, make sure you’re prepared. First, check if it’s actually legal to clean windows from the outside of a building. Second, look up what type of glass the windows are made out of so you know how best to clean them. Third, find an escape route just in case something goes wrong. And fourth, wear proper safety gear like dust masks and gloves because no one wants to see broken glass or cat litter any more than they have to!

Professional Window Cleaning
Outside Professional Window Cleaning

Don’t mix ammonia and bleach:

Using household cleaners like Windex is perfectly fine for regular, day-to-day window cleaning but if you’re going professional then it’s best to head to the store instead. Using a mixture of Clorox and ammonia can actually damage glass so leave this one up to the pros! It’s also not advised to use newspaper as an alternative because the ink can come off on the windows which aren’t exactly great for business—unless your business involves making very messy windows! 

Do be safe:

As mentioned earlier, should always be your number one priority. Cleaning windows from the outside of a building is dangerous and you never know what can happen. Before climbing out on that ledge, be sure to read up on the proper safety precautions because your best bet for staying safe is to prepare for all situations.

Don’t risk it:

Always go with professionals when you’re having something is done that could potentially be harmful or just plain old expensive! Window cleaning falls into this category so always remember: if you don’t think you can do something right, leave it to the experts!

Do check for loose windows:

When cleaning the outside of your windows, it’s important to remember that there aren’t just glass panes in there. There are usually screens, blinds, and sometimes even curtains so pay attention to the window frame itself when you’re checking for loose bits.

Don’t forget about the inside:

It’s easy to get distracted by all that beautiful natural light coming in through your windows but don’t forget to look up every once in a while! Dust can build up on the tops of windows, especially high ones that are hard to reach so be sure to dust them down every now and then too.

Big Wave Window technician window washing
Big Wave Window technician window washing

Don’t bother with streaks:

Everyone hates streaks (especially when it comes to their big, beautiful windows!) But instead of trying to wipe down every inch at once as some people do, try spraying cleaner in small sections and wiping it away with your squeegee.

Do use vertical wipes:

As we just mentioned, using vertical wipes is an easy way to clean windows that doesn’t take up too much time. There’s something about squeegees that seems to make cleaning so much easier than if you were just using a rag—it’s almost like magic or something!

Don’t forget glass tables:

Not many people remember glass tables when they are talking about window cleaning but they still have to be cleaned! Not only do they show off your lovely home décor, rugs, and furniture better than any other table could, but you need them to look their best if you want company.

So remember: the dos and don’ts of professional window cleaning mean taking care of everything with the right tools—including your glass tables! With these helpful hints under your belt, you’ll never have streaks or smudges on your windows ever again.

Big Wave Window
41 S Chester Ave Suite A2, Pasadena, CA 91106
(626) 225-0062

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